What To Do When You Get Bored of Your Workouts

🏋🏼‍♀️Add more weight. Even 1lb more will switch it up and get your muscles working harder. Add your Bala bangles!

🤸‍♀️Decrease stability. Try your exercises on a new surface like a Bosu ball or sand. Stand on one leg or raise an arm.

⏰ Shorten or lengthen the amount of time you spend working out. Commit to 5, 15, 30, or 45 minutes and stick with your decision that day.

🚴🏼‍♀️🏊‍♀️💃🏻👯‍♀️Cross train. Add more variety to your favorite workout. Dance, sculpt, cycle, yoga, run, swim, box, lift, etc. Mix it up! You might find something you really love. 

🏔🌤🌇 Change up your scenery. If you usually workout in your living room or gym, try working out outside

👛 Buy a cute outfit that makes you feel like the bad bish you are! Use my code CHRISTIEHOR50 for 15% your order at @carbon38. In the words of @nateflemingdc, “treat yourself, don’t  cheat yourself.” 💖

& Book your next class with the #mcgcommunity STAT! 

Why I Became a Fitness Instructor

When I worked full time in an office job, I remember waking up in the morning, looking in the bathroom mirror, and thinking, “I’m so unfulfilled. I’m not helping anyone.”

That was a tough pill for me to swallow. Eventually, I changed it.

I’ve always loved movement. I’ve danced since I was 3 years old. I was a collegiate dance athlete. I danced professionally for 6 years in the NBA. It’s always been a part of my life one way or another. 

I remember getting off work and going to take a workout class. The instructor was pumped up, having the time of her life, and encouraging people of all backgrounds and sizes to dance their asses off and push their bodies a little more than they were used to. I LOVED it. I wanted to help people in the same way. 

I spent several years working full time, dancing for the NBA, and choreographing as a side-gig before I gained the confidence to leave my full time job. In January 2017, I finally did. 

I’m so thankful for the communities I’ve been a part of and founded, the people that I’ve met, and the friends that I’ve made through movement. It has literally changed the trajectory of my life. 

Since the day I decided to go out on my own as a fitness instructor, dancer, and choreographer, my heart has always felt fulfilled and I’ve always felt like I was helping someone. Even if it was something small. I physically and emotionally feel like I’m making a difference in the world.

We're Rebranding the #TransformationPhoto

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You know I love a sweaty selfie! We're taking it's meaning to a whole new level.

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post about how working out is not about a transformation photo. Transformation photos have the reputation of being all about what you look like on the outside, and don't focus enough on the transformation on the inside. A lot of you reached out to me to let me know how much you related with what I wrote. I appreciated it so much. You're my people!

This week MCG Member, Emily W., reached out to encourage me to continue the conversation. I LOVE IT! She had the incredible idea to turn our sweaty selfies into the new, updated transformation photo.

I'm always encouraging you to post a sweaty selfie. I want you to look at it as the #TheNewAfterPhoto. Technically, your #sweatyselfie post is an "after" photo. It's after an uplifting or challenging workout. It's in the moment of when you're feeling energetic and accomplished after you take class. It's a way to celebrate yourself after the fact that you SHOWED up! YES, you did that! This is the kind of after photo that captures how you're feeling in your head and heart. This is my kind of transformation photo!

Whenever you post a #sweatyselfie after an MCG class, please hashtag #TheNewAfterPhoto as a celebration of what you just accomplished.

Thank you so much Emily for such an amazing idea!

For my ladies who are looking for extra energy & inspiration ⚡️👑

In 2016, I worked full-time for a marketing firm, danced for the Wizards, and traveled for choreography on the weekends. When I wasn’t working I was trying to keep up my social life, sleeping, or driving back and forth to the next city over to visit my boyfriend. I was living my DREAM!

But I was tired AF.

I struggled to keep my eyes open on the metro ride to and from work and I started losing all motivation to workout. I felt drained as soon as I woke up, and I started to be that girl that looked forward to the next time she was going to be able to get in bed to sleep next.

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Working Out is Not About a Transformation Photo

Working out is not about a transformation photo.

I stand by it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love when I fit perfectly in my fav dress or jeans, BUT there’s so much more to fitness than a number on the scale or a transformation photo.

Healthy bodies come in all shapes & sizes.

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MCG Fall Into Fitness Challenge -- 20 Online Classes in 30 Days


The Fall Into Fitness Challenge is Here!

➡️ I'm challenging you to 20 MCG classes in 30 days starting October 15th.


➡️ The MCG Fall into Fitness Challenge is for you if you want to:

▪️Gain more focus in your workouts
▪️Grow stronger
▪️Commit to a workout routine 
▪️Hold yourself accountable
▪️Get more toned
▪️Get back into being active
▪️Gain more motivation
▪️Become more consistent
▪️Schedule in your workouts
▪️Feel proud of yourself!

Complete the challenge with both livestream and on-demand MCG classes. 

➡️ Challenge classes are included in the MCG Membership OR purchase a 20 class pack at 20% off!

➡️ Everyone who completes 20 classes in 30 days receives a prize! Additionally, there are 4 raffle prizes for those who complete the challenge:

▪️$100 @carbon38 gift card
▪️$100 @spiritualgangster gift card
▪️FREE Month of Unlimited MCG Membership
▪️FREE MCG private solo/group session

➡️ Make sure you record your classes on the accountability chart-- that's how challenge completion & prizes will be determined. 

Challenge is from 10/15 to 11/14. Sign ups end on 10/20. Let's do it!

Sign up for the challenge here!

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Source: www.misschristiegirl.com