We're Rebranding the #TransformationPhoto

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You know I love a sweaty selfie! We're taking it's meaning to a whole new level.

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post about how working out is not about a transformation photo. Transformation photos have the reputation of being all about what you look like on the outside, and don't focus enough on the transformation on the inside. A lot of you reached out to me to let me know how much you related with what I wrote. I appreciated it so much. You're my people!

This week MCG Member, Emily W., reached out to encourage me to continue the conversation. I LOVE IT! She had the incredible idea to turn our sweaty selfies into the new, updated transformation photo.

I'm always encouraging you to post a sweaty selfie. I want you to look at it as the #TheNewAfterPhoto. Technically, your #sweatyselfie post is an "after" photo. It's after an uplifting or challenging workout. It's in the moment of when you're feeling energetic and accomplished after you take class. It's a way to celebrate yourself after the fact that you SHOWED up! YES, you did that! This is the kind of after photo that captures how you're feeling in your head and heart. This is my kind of transformation photo!

Whenever you post a #sweatyselfie after an MCG class, please hashtag #TheNewAfterPhoto as a celebration of what you just accomplished.

Thank you so much Emily for such an amazing idea!