Working Out is Not About a Transformation Photo

Working out is not about a transformation photo.💖

I stand by it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love when I fit perfectly in my fav dress or jeans, BUT there’s so much more to fitness than a number on the scale or a transformation photo.

Healthy bodies come in all shapes & sizes.

Personally, my body goes through plenty of changes on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I could feel super slim after I wake up in the morning, and 20 minutes later after drinking my coffee & smoothie, feel totally bloated. Or eat protein and veggies all week and then decide I want a hot honey chicken sandwich to start my Saturday off. Or after a fun-filled weekend with friends, food, and wine.

And that was just talking about food. What about when I do a super intense workout and feel sore the next day. Or travel on a long flight or car ride. Or stay up too late one night. This list goes on.

Those are choices I make for myself, my energy, and my idea of FUN!


What a before and after photo DOESN’T show: the love I have for my body & mind. The passion, dedication, and time I put into my fitness routine & lifestyle. The inner strength I gain for staying consistent. The 1 more minute I held a plank or the additional 8-reps I slipped in. Nailing a dance combination. The joy I get from blasting music during a workout. Or the community I’m surrounded by when I workout. S/O to the hardest working  people I know, MCG community!

That’s what’s important to me.

I totally get transformation photos if you’re going for a specific weight loss goal that you would want to take pictures to document your success!! You deserve to feel celebrated & proud of your success!! You go girl!

But, if that’s not your goal, you still have one million reasons to feel celebrated.

My mission is to inspire women to feel confident, strong, and empowered through daily movement, challenge, and growth. To encourage daily activity because it allows you to give 110% into your life and career, makes you feel good, and boosts your mood & energy. To celebrate and love your body for all the incredible, mind blowing things you can do. To fall in love with yourself from the inside out.

Don’t you want to become the best version of you? 
