Accidental Resolutions

I wanted to start off 2018 with a BANG! I'm someone who gets excited at the start of a new year, but I don't always make resolutions or set specific goals for myself. If I want something, my motto is usually, "I'll figure it out." And I always do! However, this year I wanted my focus to be different and intentional. I want to fulfill all my goals.

Enter Powersheets Cultivate What Matters.  One of my Flybarre clients, Amanda Reynolds @plumephoto, introduced me to this amazing goal setting book! I worked for days on filling out my goals for 2018, and I think it's going to work. It's already the end of March, and so far so good. (Maybe I need to set the bar higher?!) One of my favorite things about Powersheets is it asks you to create a Word of the Year. I chose two words because I couldn't decide on one. LOL! One of my words is Grow and the other is WILLPOWER.

I don't know if it was my massive hangover or my word of the year that helped me create my 2018 Resolutions. Ok, I'm going to say it was the massive hangover that sparked it. Like several other of my peers, I decided to partake in Dry January. I told my best friend Shanel on New Years Day that I was going to go alcohol-free for all of January. Something about telling her face to face made me hold myself accountable, and guess what? I did it! There were MANY temptations and many nights in. But that's ok! I learned a little bit more about myself. I learned that I love self-control and willpower.

WILLPOWER. It's so easy to fall into natural habits, that sometimes I forget to shake things up every now and then and challenge myself. Abstaining from wine for 31 days? That was pretty challenging to me! That got me thinking, what if I gave up one thing that I could live without per month? Right now a lot of what I give up is dietary based, however it could change in the future.

So in February, I gave up dairy. The past several years, I've bought almond milk and like to put coconut creamer in my coffee so it wasn't that much of a switch for these items. I do love greek yogurt and I love cheese. I love to sprinkle cheese on my eggs, pasta, burritos, you get the point, but I could live without it. I loved the results of being dairy-free so much that I've decided to keep this up! I cheated a couple times in March--it's hard when you go out to eat and there's cheese sprinkled in your guac and butter hidden in every dish--that's no excuse, but for the most part I'm now dairy-free. 

In March, I gave up bread! I love toast. Avocado toast, cinnamon toast, peanut butter toast--you name it. I was eating bread so much, it was just a filler. So I gave it up. I will probably add toast back into my diet next month, but limit the amount I buy at the store.

The title of this blog post is Accidental Resolutions. I still want to keep up my intentional goals for 2018, but I'm happy I made room for unintentional goals as well. If you have any ideas what I should give up in April, let me know! :)